The Vision of Knottingley Community Church.
There are four words that we are committed to as a church...
1) Cornerstone
This is taken from Ephesians 2:20. We believe that Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of us as a church and we strive to keep Jesus Christ at the centre of all we do.
2) Salvation
This is taken from both Matthew 28:16-20 and 1 Corinthians 9:19-23. Salvation is part of the mission of the church and we will do all we can to strive as a church to see salvation in all that we do.
3) Discipleship
This is taken again from Matthew 28:16-20. This is the great commission and Jesus Christ calls all of us to go and make disciples. We strive to ensure intentional discipleship is a part of all we do.
4) Community
This is taked from Acts 2:42-47. It is clear that the early church thrived partly due to the sense of community the early church had. We strive to be a community for the community. A place where all are welcome and welcomed warmly. A place where we strive to work together, for one another, not just for the good of each other but for the good of our communities too. At Knottingley Elim we hold this very highly.
This is the vision statement of the church and something that we hold onto when moving forwards. We are big believers in the power of community. We believe that as a church we have a responsibility to each other to form a community that cares and supports each other. However, when we look at the wider community we see people everywhere needing a connection, wanting to belong to something and to be cared for. We want the local community to feel like they have a place to go where they can be welcomed by a warm loving church community. This is at the core and heart of who we are as a church and what we strive for. For people to be part of, see and experience the love of Christ, through this community of believers.